Methodist Evangelical Church - North Mission

The paper page includes 2 photographs of the first forums, organized by the missionaries of the Evangelical Methodist Church. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Първата конференция на пастирите и книжарите (Русе, 22. ІV. 1876 г.) Іия ред: Д-р Д.С. Чалис, Д-р Алберт Л. Лонг, Флокен, Лаунсбърг; 2-ия ред: Юрд. Цветков Бойнов, .., Гавр. Илиев, …, Стефан Гечев, …, Тод. Николов’; Transliteration: ‘Pŭrvata konferentsiya na pastirite i knizharite (Ruse, 22. ÍV. 1876 g.) Íiya red: D-r D.S. Challis, D-r Albert L. Long, Floken, Launsbŭrg; 2-iya red: Yurd. Tsvetkov Boĭnov,.., Gavr. Iliev, …, Stefan Gechev, …, Tod. Nikolov’;Translation: ‘The First Conference of the Pastors and Booksеllers (Ruse, 22 of April, 1876) 1st row: Dr. D. S. Chalis, Dr. Albert L. Long, Flocken, Launchesburg; 2nd row: Yurd.Tsvetkov, Boynov, …, Gavr. Iliev, ..., Stefan Gechev, ..., Tod. Nikolov’. Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘13 год. Конференция в Русчук държана на 14-20 септ. 1904 г.’; Transliteration: 1’3 god. Konferentsiya v Ruschuk dŭrzhana na 14-20 sept. 1904 g.’; Translation: ‘The 13th Conference held from 14 to 20 sept. 1904 in Ruse’. Extent: 1 paper page with 2 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.