
The paper page includes 5 photographs of Vassilevi family, followers of the Evangelical Methodist Church. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Семейство Сам. Василев /фо. 1937 г./’; Transliteration: ‘Semeĭstvo Sam. Vasilev /fo. 1937 g./’; Translation: ‘Sam. Vassilev Familit, photographed in 1937’.Second photograph (at the top right side): no description attached; Third photograph (in the middle side): no description attached; Fourth photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Амалия Василева, р. 1893 п. 1963’; Transliteration: ‘Amaliya Vasileva, r. 1893 p. 1963’; Translation: ‘Amaliya Vassileva, b. 1893 – d. 1963’; Fifth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Сам. Василев, Малина Атанасова и Емилия Василева фо. 1964’; Transliteration: ‘Sam. Vasilev, Malina Atanasova i Emiliya Vasileva fo. 1964’; Translation: ‘Sam. Vassilev, Malina Atanassova i Emiliya Vassileva, photographed in 1964’. Extent: 1 paper page with 5 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.