North Mission of the Methodist Evangelical Church

The paper page includes 4 photographs of followers of the Evangelical Methodist Church in Northern Bulgaria. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Дафинка Л. Логанова /1889-/936 г./; Transliteration: ‘Dafinka L. Loganova /1889-/936 g./’; Translation: ‘Dafinka L. Loganova /1889- 1936/’; Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘Еленка Ив. Деметрова, род. 1887г. Ботевград, почин. 14 февр. 1970 г. Библ. раб. Видин, София, Лом, Горна Митрополия’; Transliteration: ‘Elenka Iv. Demetrova, rod. 1887g. Botevgrad, pochin. 14 fevr. 1970 g. Bibl. rab. Vidin, Sofiya, Lom, Gorna Mitropoliya’; Translation: ‘Elenka Iv. Dimitrova, born in 1887 in Botevgrad, died on 14 February 1970; Biblical worker in Vidin, Sofia, Lom, Gorna Mitropolia'; Third photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Г-жа Лунка Цветанова Елисавето Цветанова Гавраил Цветанов’; Transliteration: ‘G-zha Lunka Tsvetanova Elisaveta Tsvetanova Gavrail Tsvetanov’; Translation: ‘Mrs. Lunka Tsvetanova Elisaveta Tsvetanova Gavrail Tsvetanov’. Fourth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Сем. Кирил Ив. Димитров’; Transliteration: ‘Sem. Kiril Iv. Dimitrov’; Translation: ‘Kiril Iv. Dimitrov Family’. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality; white spots. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.