
The paper page includes 4 photographs with attached notes. Under the first photograph (at the top left side) of the Building of the Methodist Church in Ruse, the following note is attached: ‘МЕТОДИСТ. ЕВАНГ. ЦЪРКВА – РУСЕ’;Transliterated ‘METODIST. EVANG. TSŬRKVA – RUSE’; Translated: ‘Methodist Evangelical Church – Ruse’. Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘Годиш. Конференция в Русе 1899?’; Transliterated ‘Godish. Konferentsiya v Ruse 1899?’; Translated: ‘Annual Conference in Ruse – 1899?’. Third photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘АТАНАС НУРЕВ, РУСЕ. Деен член на църквата’; Transliterated: ‘ATANAS NUREV, RUSE. Deen chlen na tsŭrkvata’; Translated: ‘ATANAS NUREV, RUSE. Active member of the church'. Fourth photograph: ‘НИКОЛА ИВАНОВ БЕЛЕНСКИ род. гр. Бяла, II. 1871 г., първонач. образов., работил в Русе в Д-во Сингер, след това търговец обущарски материали и кожи. Баща е на п-р Янко Иванов, касиер и председател на Мл. Хр. Д-во – Русе’; Transliterated: ‘NIKOLA IVANOV BELENSKI rod. gr. Byala, II. 1871 g., pŭrvonach. obrazov., rabotil v Ruse v D-vo Singer, sled tova tŭrgovets obushtarski materiali i kozhi. Bashta e na p-r Yanko Ivanov, kasier i predsedatel na Ml. Khr. D-vo – Ruse’: Translated: ‘NIKOLA IVANOV BELENSKI was born in Byala in February 1871, primary education. He worked in Ruse at the Singer Society. Afterthat he becomes a trader of shoemaking materials and leather. Father of Pastor Yanko Ivanov, treasurer and chairman of the Youth Christian Society – Ruse’. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photographs; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.