
The paper page includes 4 photographs. First photograph (at top left side) is the same as the fourth one (at the bottom right side). The following text in Bulgarian can be read: ‘мет. ев. църква в Шумен’, transliterated ‘met. ev. tsŭrkva v Shumen’; translated ‘Methodist Evangelical Church in Shumen’. Under the second photograph (at the top right side), the following note in Bulgarian is attached: ‘EМАНУИЛ Н. ПУЛЕВ. От Шумин – син на пастиря Никола Пулев врем. Проповедник в Сливен. Заболял от тифус 1937 и когато наближи края на земния живот в болницата, вместо да охка отчаяно, с последни сили той проповядва на събралите се болти, болногледачи, сестри и др. Пет дни под ред след неговото погребение всяка сутрин отивахме на гроба, но не да го оплакваме, а това беше хубав случай за наранените родители да благовестят на множеството Словото Божие! Гробът на Емануил беше амвон на баща му. Бр.32, 2.септ.1937 г. (Зорница) Вас. Ст. М.’; transliterated ‘EMANUIL N. PULEV. Ot Shumin – sin na pastirya Nikola Pulev vrem. Propovednik v Sliven. Zabolyal ot tifus 1937 i kogato nablizhi kraya na zemniya zhivot v bolnitsata, vmesto da okhka otchayano, s posledni sili toĭ propovyadva na sŭbralite se bolti, bolnogledachi, sestri i dr. Pet dni pod red sled negovoto pogrebenie vsyaka sutrin otivakhme na groba, no ne da go oplakvame, a tova beshe khubav sluchaĭ za naranenite roditeli da blagovestyat na mnozhestvoto Slovoto Bozhie! Grobŭt na Emanuil beshe amvon na bashta mu. Br.32, 2. sept.1937 g. (Zornitsa) Vas. St. M.’; translated ‘Emmanuil N. Pulev. From Shumen - the son of the pastor Nikola Pulev. Preacher in Sliven. He suffered from typhus in 1937. When he was at the end of earthly life in the hospital, instead of desperately groaning, he preached with the last of his forces to the gathered sick people, caregivers, nurses, and others. Five days after his funeral, every morning we went to the grave, but not for a moaning. This was a good occasion for the suffering parents to preach the Word of God! The grave of Emmanuil was his father's pulpit. No. 32, 2nd September 1937 (Zornitsa) Vas. St. M.’. Under the third photograph, which is a portrait of man and woman, the note attached includes: their names, city and year in Bulgarian: ’Стефан Хр. Бенев и Еленка Хр. Бенева. Шумен. ф.1920 g.’; transliterated ‘’Stefan Khr. Benev i Elenka Khr. Beneva. Shumen. f.1920 g.’; translated ’Stefan Hr. Benev i Elenka Hr. Beneva. Shumen. Photographed in 1920’. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photographs; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.