
The paper page includes 4 photographs of the followers of the Evangelical Methodist Church in Sofia. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. The first photograph (at the top left side) of a family is unknown, no any explaining text; Second photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Марин Миланов Дамев род. София 4. VІІІ. 1904 г. Счетоводител, Мария Маринова Дамева род. Карлово 17. ІV. 1908 г. Чиновничка, реална гимназия’; Transliteration: ‘Marin Milanov Damev rod. Sofiya 4. VÍÍÍ. 1904 g. Schetovoditel, Mariya Marinova Dameva rod. Karlovo 17. ÍV. 1908 g. Chinovnichka, realna gimnaziya’; Translation: Marin Milanov Damev, b. on 4 August 1904 in Sofia, accountant; Mariya Marinova Dameva, b. on 17 April 1908 in the town of Karlovo, a clerk, graduated from the real high school’. Third photograph (in the middle left side): ‘Александър Миланов Дамев род. София 13.ІІ. 1910 г. Чиновник – юридич. образование, Нешка Александрова Дамева, род. София 1920 г. Завърш. Френския колеж София’; Transliteration: ‘Aleksandŭr Milanov Damev rod. Sofiya 13.ÍÍ. 1910 g. Chinovnik – yuridich. obrazovanie, Neshka Aleksandrova Dameva, rod. Sofiya 1920 g. Zavŭrsh. Frenskiya kolezh Sofiya’; Translation: Alexander Milanov Damev, b. on 13 Feb 1910 in Sofia, a clerk with jurisdictional education; Neshka Alexandrova Dameva, b. in 1920 in Sofia, graduated from the French College Sofia'. Fourth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Излет на Златните модтове с г-жа К. Сивриева, Над. Каралашева, Д. Каралашев, Елисав. Цветанова, Сам. Василев и Амария Василева’; Transliteration: Izlet na Zlatnite modtove s g-zha K. Sivrieva, Nad. Karalasheva, D. Karalashev, Elisav. Tsvetanova, Sam. Vasilev i Amariya Vasileva’; Translation: Trip of the Golden Bridges with Mrs. K. Sivrieva, Nad. Karalasheva, D. Karalashev, Elisav. Tsvetanova, Sam. Vasilev and Amaria Vasileva'. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.