Lom: Gypsy Church of Golintsi

The paper page includes 5 photographs of the Evangelical Methodist Mission among the Roma in the village of Golintsi, now a quarter of the town of Lom. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Мисион. работа м/у циганите в с. Голинци’; Transliteration: ‘Mision. Rabota m/u tsiganite v s. Golintsi’; Translation: ‘Missionary work among Gypsies in the village of Golintsi’. Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘Членове от циган. Църква в с. Голинци 1930-1933 с циганския мисионер Ецлер’; Transliteration: Chlenove ot tsigan. tsŭrkva v s. Golintsi 1930-1933 s tsiganskiya misioner Etsler; Translation: ‘The members of the Gypsy church in the village of Golintsi 1930-1933 with the Gypsy missionary Etsler’. Third photograph (in the middle left side): ‘Недел. у-ще за българите в с. Голинци през 1930-1935’; Transliteration: ‘Nedel. u-shte za bŭlgarite v s. Golintsi prez 1930-1935’; Translation: ‘Sunday school for Bulgarians in the village of Golintsi, 1930-1935’. Fourth photograph (in the middle right side): ‘Г. Иринкин, Б.Г. Иринкина, Лом, ф. 4.VІ.1923 г / проповедник в вр. на Ив. Димитров м/у циганите/’; Transliteration: ‘G. Irinkin, B.G. Irinkina, Lom, f. 4.VÍ.1923 g / propovednik v vr. na Iv. Dimitrov m/u tsiganite/’; Translation: G. Irinkin, B.G. Irinkina, Lom, photographed in 4 July 1923 /A preacher among the Gypsies in connection with Ivan Dimitrov/’. Fifth photograph (at the bottom side): ‘Неделно училище за циганите в с. Голинци /1930-1933 г/’; Transliteration: ‘Nedelno uchilishte za tsiganite v s. Golintsi /1930-1933 g’; Translation: ‘Sunday School for Gypsies in the village of Golintsi / 1930-1933’. Extent: 1 paper page with 5 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.