
The paper page includes 3 photographs of missionaries in the region of Varna. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph, a portrait, (at the top left side): ‘Марко Каратанасов, Варна’; Transliteration and Translation: ‘Marko Karatanasov, Varna’. Second photograph, published as a postcard (at the bottom right side): ‘Eкскурзия ва Епвортската дружина в Варна до Дикили гаш, Варненско, ф. 1909’; Transliteration: ‘Ekskurziya va Epvortskata druzhina v Varna do Dikili gash, Varnensko, f. 1909’; Translation: ‘Excursion of the Epvort Group in Varna, Dikilitas, photographed in 1909’.Third photograph (at the bottom side): ‘Група Марко Каратанасов, П-р Павел Минков, П-р Стеф. Скулев, фо. Варна’; Transliteration: ‘Grupa Marko Karatanasov, P-r Pavel Minkov, P-r Stef. Skulev, fo. Varna; Translation: ‘Group: Marko Karatanasov, Pastor Pavel Minkov, Pastor Stef. Skulev, photographed in Varna’. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The history of ownership is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.