Archival records from Digitisation of manuscripts at the Al-aqsa Mosque Library, East Jerusalem (EAP521)
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Showing 1 to 15 of 120 results
Al-Aqsa Mosque Library Collection of Historical Manuscripts [12th century-19th century]
This manuscript collection contains 119 Arabic language titles that span over several Islamic periods from the 9th century CE to the end of the… -
بدائع البرهان Badāʾiʿ al-Burhān [1785]
Description: Qira'at (reciting). Volume and issue number: part I, 4/72/1. Extent and format of original material: 188 pages. Physical… -
ترتيب زيبا Tartīb Zībā [1713]
Description: Qur'anic Sinences. Volume and issue number: part I, 8/53. Extent and format of original material: 76 pages. Physical… -
جامع الكلام في رسم مصحف الامام Jāmiʿ al-Kalām fī Rasm Muṣḥaf al-Imām [1650]
Description: Qur'anic Sinences. Volume and issue number: part I, 11/ 11/15. Extent and format of original material: 92 pages. Physical… -
عقد الدرة المضيئة Aqd al-Durrah al-Muḍīʾah [1682]
Description: Qur'anic Sinences. Volume and issue number: part I, 39/39/58. Extent and format of original material: 137 pages. Physical… -
الاسرار المرفوعة في الاحاديث al-Asrār al-Marfūʿah fī al-Aḥādīth [1665]
Description: Hadith . Volume and issue number: part I, 72/1/60. Extent and format of original material: 135 pages. Physical characteristics of… -
معالم التنزيل Maʿālim al-Tanzīl [1437]
Description: Tafsir (Exegesis). Volume and issue number: part I, 71/1/11. Extent and format of original material: 183 pages. Physical… -
سلسلة الخاجكان Silsilat al-Khājkān [1767]
Description: Sufism.This manuscript is specifically about the Naqshbandiyya, who originated in Central Asia. The third folio lists the names of the… -
التحفة المرضية بالاراضي المصرية al-Tuḥfah al-Marḍīyah bi-al-Arāḍī al-Miṣrīyah [18th century]
Description: Rules of Jurisprudence . Volume and issue number: part I, 114/2/32. Extent and format of original material: 10 pages. Physical… -
غيث المواهب Ghayth al-Mawāhib [1617]
Description: Sufism. Volume and issue number: part I, 107/8/139. Extent and format of original material: 147 pages. Physical characteristics of… -
جامع الفصولين في الفروع Jāmiʿ al-Fuṣūlīn fī al-Furūʿ [1456]
Description: Rules of Jurisprudence . Volume and issue number: part I, 116/4/12. Extent and format of original material: 286 pages. Physical… -
شرح مختصر المنتهى Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-Muntahá [16th century]
Description: Rules of Jurisprudence . Volume and issue number: part I, 120/8/24. Extent and format of original material: 149 pages. Physical… -
ايضاح كشف الدسائس Īdāḥ Kashf al-Dasāʾis [1466]
Description: Jurisprudenc (Fiqh). Volume and issue number: part I, 126/4/97. Extent and format of original material: 29 pages. Physical… -
كشف الدسائس في ترميم الكنائس Kashf al-Dasāʾis fī Tarmīm al-Kanāʾis [1466]
Description: Jurisprudenc (Fiqh). Volume and issue number: part I, 151/29/97. Extent and format of original material: 34 pages. Physical… -
رحمة الامة في اختلاف الائمة Raḥmat al-Ummah fī Ikhtilāf al-Aʾimmah [1697]
Description: Jurisprudenc (Fiqh). Volume and issue number: part I, 131/9/71. Extent and format of original material: 123 pages. Physical…