Archival records from Saving archival documents of archaeological researches conducted during the 1920s and 1930s in Ukraine (EAP220)
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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results
Collection of Documents of Rajki Archaeological Expedition [1925-1971]
The collection keeps documents concerning the archaeological research carried out near Rajki village in 1925-1935. This is a pilot project… -
Scientific Reports [1929-1935]
The series contain annual scientific reports about the archaeological investigations of the hillfort near Rajki village dated by 12-13th centuries… -
Field Diaries [1929-1935]
The series contain field reports about archaeological investigations of the hillfort near Rajki village dated 12-13th century. … -
Card Diaries [June 1932 - August 1935]
Card diaries – is a category of scientific expedition documentation, which was developed by T.M. Movchanovskiy with a purpose to use it in everyday… -
Inventory Books and Rosters of Artifacts [1929 (?) - 1936]
The series includes a combination of inventory books and rosters of artifacts, which were found during excavations of the Rajki hillfort.… -
Drafts [1922-1935]
The series contain saved drafts (those on different research objects, plans of squares, stratigraphic characteristics (cuts) of cultural layers of… -
Pictures 1930-1935
Watercolour and pencil drawings of different views on the excavated parts of the researched objects on the Rajki hillfort. -
Photographic Negatives on Glass [1929-1935]
Most of plates for the negatives are hand-made: plates made from the usual glass were cut; the photographer spread the emulsion by hand. The state… -
Albums and Selections of Photos [1929-1939 (?)]
Albums and collections of photos of the Rajki expedition. -
Cinema-film [1930]
A film from the filmstrip was copied by the collaborators from the Central State film and photo archive of Ukraine into a digital format MPEG-2.… -
Documentation on Organizational Matters [1930-1937]
The series put together various documents on organizational matters of the Rajki expedition, namely: financial papers, documents used while… -
Scientific Labours: Their Drafts and Versions Publications [1930-1935]
The series contain versions and drafts of publications (articles, theses, messages, parts of a monograph), which are composed based on materials of… -
"Personal Files of T.M. Movchanovskiy [July 26, 1927 - May 22, 1971]"
Records relating to T.M. Movchanovskiy's personal affairs.