
Original institution's reference: NRG9/1. This series contains the following 9 files: EAP935/8/1/1: Certificate of Occupancy Wa (Nion- Missions) (G/LAN/58/S.F.9), 1953-1956 [NRG9/1/1] EAP935/8/1/2: Acquisition of Lands Government Area (G.I Exnd 0037, 1953-1960 [NRG9/1/2] EAP935/8/1/3: Bolgatagan Township (UG/52/S.F.3), 1956-1963 [NRG9/1/3] EAP935/8/1/4: Bolgatanga Township UG52, 1960-1979 [NRG9/1/4] EAP935/8/1/5: Stool Lands Policy Vl/53/S.F3), 1961-1970 [NRG9/1/5] EAP935/8/1/6: Navrongo Township UG/52/S.F4), 1962-1967 [NRG9/1/6] EAP935/8/1/8: Bolgatanga Township UG52, 1963-1965 [NRG9/1/8] EAP935/8/1/9: Site - CPP Regional Secretariat Building Bolga, 1964 [NRG9/1/9] EAP935/8/1/10: Bolgatanga Township, 1966-1969 [NRG9/1/10]. The following 2 files are missing and were therefore not digitised: EAP935/8/1/7: Acquisition of Lands Navrongo District, 1963-1972 [NRG9/1/7] EAP935/8/1/11: Bolgatanga Township UG/52/SF4, 1967-1971 [NRG9/1/11].