I. Колекція документів стосовно наукової та організаційної діяльності Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка у Львові (1873 - 1939)

Title: I. Колекція документів стосовно наукової та організаційної діяльності Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка у Львові (1873 - 1939). Серії.

  • 1.статути НТШ
  • 2. звіти з діяльності НТШ, звіти про діяльність комісій товариства
  • 3. протоколи загальних зборів інституції
  • 4. протоколи засідань членів правління, бюлетені виборів членів правління 5. протоколи діяльності секцій та комісій Товариства (математично-природописно-лікарської, філологічної секції, мовознавчої комісії, історико-філософської секції, комісії нової історії України, юридичної комісії при історично-філологічній секції, комісії економіки, соціології та статистики, фізіографічної комісії, бібліографічної комісії, етнографічної комісії, об’єднані засідання секцій
  • 6. організаційна документація (регламент, довідка про заснування і діяльність товариства та ін.)

Transliterated title: I. Kolektsiya dokumentiv stosovno naukovoyi ta orhanizatsiynoyi diyal'nosti Naukovoho tovarystva im. Shevchenka (NTSh) u L'vovi (1873 – 1939). Seriji.

  • 1. statuty NTSh
  • 2. zvity z diyal'nosti NTSh, zvity pro diyal'nist' komisiy tovarystva
  • 3. protokoly zahal'nykh zboriv instytutsiyi
  • 4. protokoly zasidan' chleniv pravlinnya, byuleteni vyboriv chleniv pravlinnya
  • 5. protokoly diyal'nosti sektsiy ta komisiy Tovarystva (matematychno-pryrodopysno-likars'koyi, filolohichnoyi sektsiyi, movoznavchoyi komisiyi, istoryko-filosofs'koyi sektsiyi, komisiyi novoyi istoriyi Ukrayiny, yurydychnoyi komisiyi pry istorychno-filolohichniy sektsiyi, komisiyi ekonomiky, sotsiolohiyi ta statystyky, fiziohrafichnoyi komisiyi, bibliohrafichnoyi komisiyi, etnohrafichnoyi komisiyi, ob"yednani zasidannya sektsiy
  • 6. orhanizatsiyna dokumentatsiya (rehlament, dovidka pro zasnuvannya i diyal'nist' tovarystva).

Translated title: Collection of the documents regarding scientific and organizational activities of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (ShSS) in L'viv (1873 – 1939). Series.

  • 1. statutes of the ShSS (draft statute, draft statute change , manuscripts about statute changes)
  • 2. reports on the activities of the Society, activity reports of Society’s commissions
  • 3. minutes of the general meetings of the institution
  • 4. minutes of meetings of the members of the Board (Bureau), bulletin of the board members election
  • 5. the minutes of proceedings of sections and commissions Society (mathematical – natural - medical), philological section, linguistic commission, historical and philosophical section, commission of the new history of Ukraine, law commission at the historical-philological section, commission economics, sociology and statistics, physiographic commission, bibliographic commission, ethnographic commission, united meetings of the sections
  • 6. organisational documentation (regulations, background on the establishment and activities of society.

I.The collection keeps documents concerning scientific and organizational activities of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (ShSS) in L'viv (1873 – 1939) from the founding of the Society in 1873 to its liquidation by the Soviet authorities in 1940; preserved separate documents of meetings of philological section of the institution, which were created in 1941-1944. Collection includes about 2400 sheets, namely: - statutes of the ShSS 1870 (3 sheets), 1874 (18 sheets), 1892 (18 sheets), 1898 (6 sheets), draft statute 1903 (19 sheets), 1904 (12 sheets), draft statute change 1913 (47 sheets); manuscripts about statute changes, journal and newspaper articles 1913-1914 (46 sheets); draft statute, was edited by I. Franko, dateless (16 sheets); draft statute, dateless (48 sheets); draft statute change, dateless (71 sheets). - reports on the activities of the Society (1874 (14 sheets), 1885 (6 sheets), 1893-1894, was made by M. Hrushevsky (16 sheets), 1895, was made by M. Hrushevsky (28 sheets), 1896 (29 sheets), 1897 was made by M. Hrushevsky (29 sheets), 1898 was made by M. Hrushevsky (24 sheets), 1937-1938 (17 sheets), 1937-1938 Bulletin "Chronicle" (174 sheets), activity reports of Society’s commissions 1939 (13 sheets). - minutes of the general meetings of the institution (1883-1893 (97 sheets), 1903-1940 (96 sheets) - minutes of meetings of the members of the Board (Bureau), bulletin of the board members election (1893-1902 (147 sheets), 1902-1912 (151 sheets), 1912-1936 (307 sheets), 1936-1942 (81 sheets), bulletin 1932 (97 sheets). - the minutes of proceedings of sections and commissions Society (mathematical - natural - medical (1939 (126 sheets), united meetings of the sections 1919-1938 (37 sheets), 1893-1912 (42 sheets), philological section (127 sheets), linguistic commission 1918-1938 (52 sheets), historical and philosophical section 1893-1915, 1916-1918 ( 141 sheets, 66 sheets), commission of the new history of Ukraine 1934-1939 (38 sheets), law commission at the historical-philological section 1924 (5 sheets), commission economics, sociology and statistics 1927-1941 (33 sheets), physiographic commission (38 sheets), bibliographic commission 1914-1937 (25 sheets), ethnographic commission 1914-1943 (33 sheets). - organisational documentation (regulations, dateless (6 sheets), background on the establishment and activities of society 1939 (15 sheets).

Custodial history: In 1914 a handwritten department of ShSS was created. Until the year 1939 it numbered 2.5 thousand units of storage. Since September 1939 there was a consistent liquidation of ShSS. By the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR from January 2, 1940 the library of NTSh was transferred to the L'viv branch of the library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and the museum of the Society was disbanded. During the German occupation, the work of the ShSS was restored, as well as the active work of the handwriting department. At that time, many deposit holders took from the Library the collections left by them in 1939 and took them to the West. On the eve of the Second World War, ShSS was liquidated by the Soviet power. Museums and the library of ShSS, including the archive of the society, were disbanded. In autumn 1943, the German occupation administration carried out the export of cultural property from the Galicia district, part of the documents collected by the ShSS were transported to Silesia. Several batches of documentary materials from the ShSS archive were dispatched to Kyiv and Moscow in 1946-1950. The part was destroyed, only a small number returned to L'viv. The documents of the fund were deposited to the Central State Historical Archive in L'viv in 1951 from the Central State Historical Archive in Kyjiv. And in 1952, when differentiating the documents from the State archive of the L'viv region, most of the societie's manuscript collections were transferred to the L'viv Historical Archive in the form of placers. And the rest were divided between libraries, archives and museums. In 1954, the documents were passed scientific and technical processing under abridged procedure. Receipt of documents to this fund also took place in 1960 and 1983 years. The fund was kept under the stamp "secret". The complete declassification of the fund took place on 03.02. 1989. After working out of the fund in 1998 the fund of the ShSS archive contained 2 descriptions, 3141 storage units. There have been incomes of private individuals (the documents were transferred to the fund by Golovatsky Ya., Stefanovich family, Pulyuj I.) since 1998. In 2017, the total number of fund documents is 3,155 storage units. The documents in the fund are divided into various thematic groups and contain in particular сollection of the documents regarding scientific and organizational activities of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (ShSS) in L'viv (1873 – 1939).

Extent and format of original material: Collection Level: 6 series.

Volume and issue number: The collection includes about 2400 sheets of the archival documents.

Owner(s) of original material: The Shevchenko Scientific Society in L'viv.

Publisher of original material: The Shevchenko Scientific Society in L'viv.

Arrangement: The series of this collection are a constituent part of the Shevchenko Scientific Societe's Funds, which are kept at Central State Historical Archive (CSHA) in L'viv. - Found 309. - Department to ensure safety of documents. - Storage unit № 2. There are two descriptions of the documents of this fund, the structure of funds is diverse.The classification of documents was carried out according to the thematic principle by the method of grouping.The series copied by the project are listed here in a chronological order. Archival documents copied by the project are listed here in a thematic celections according to archival descriptions of cases.The documents constitute the complete thematic integrity of the fund 309, descriptions 1 and 2.