
A série contém documentos produzidos judicialmente, no Juízo de Órfãos e Ausentes e extrajudicialmente, nos cartórios, em formato processo, manuscrito, entre os anos de 1783 a 1900. Os inventários registram os bens deixados pelos inventariados, como sítios, fazendas, engenhos, joias, roupas, semoventes (escravos, gado vacum e cavalar, etc.), dinheiro, e revelam as dívidas ativas e passivas, assim como a partilha dos bens entre os herdeiros. The series contain documents produced judicially at the Court of Orphans and the Abandoned, and extrajudicially at Public Notaries in form of manuscrit procedings between 1783 and 1900. The inventory of goods registers the goods left by the executors such as small holdings, farms, mills, jewells, clothes, moving articles (slaves, livestock of cattle and horses, etc.), money. They reveal the active and passive debts as well as the division of goods between heirs. Custodial history: Document produced in extrajudicial Public Notary and at the Court of Orphans and the Abandoned, County of São João do Cariri. Extent and format of original material: 912 itens. Physical characteristics: Contains tears, acidity caused by iron gall ink, pages with insect damage (corroded), damaged pages making reading difficult, missing pages, stains caused by dirt and water, fold marks, new cover. Owner(s) of original material: Fórum Nivaldo Farias de Brito, Comarca de São João do Cariri. Author(s) of original material: Cartório extrajudicial e Juízo de Órfãos e Ausentes.