Arquivo do Fórum Judicial da Comarca de João Pessoa

A coleção reúne documentos em formato processo, manuscrito, escrito em língua portuguesa, referente ao período imperial e alguns anos do Brasil republicano, pertencentes ao Cartório da Primeira e Segunda Vara da Comarca de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil. Os documentos estão distribuídos em duas subcoleções que possuem as séries: Inventários (1855-1900), Juízo Comercial (1874-1900) que abordam justificação de embargo, ação de crédito, libelo cível de embargo, ação de despejo, carta de sentença de ação ordinária comercial, libelo cível de dívida, entre outros; Juízo de Órfãos (1867-1900) que contempla arrendamento de bens de herdeiros, petição de tutela e prestações de contas de tutores; Ações Criminais (1886-1893). The collection has documents relating to legal claims, manuscript, written in Portuguese language, and referring to the Imperial period and the early years of the Brazilian Republic. They belong to the Registry of First and Second Jurisdictions from the District of João Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil. The documents are distributed in two subcollections which have the series: Inventory (1855-1900), Comercial Court (1874-1900) which deal with embargo justifications, credit action, eviction orders, letters of sentencing from ordinary commercial action, civil bill of indictment of debt, among others; Court of Orphans (1867-1900) contemplating leasing of goods of heirs, petition of tutelage and tutor accountability; Criminal Actions (1886-1893). Custodial history: The documents belong to the District of João Pessoa (former city of Parahyba) created in December 1687. The district was responsible for judicial matters in the captaincies of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte until 1800. The Justice in the Province of Paraíba belonged to the district of Relação da Bahia and after 1831 to the Relação of Pernambuco. It was only in 1891, with the proclamation of the republic, that the Tribunal of Justice of Paraíba was created. serving as the Tribunal at the state level. The existing documentation at the Archive of the Judicial Forum from the District of João Pessoa was produced by the First and Second Judicial Court and extrajudicial notaries. Extent and format of original material: 8 series. Physical characteristics: Documents damaged by water, stains made by dirt, incomplete documents, it contains fungus, tears, faded ink, marks from folding. Owner(s) of original material: Comarca de João Pessoa, Arquivo do Fórum Judicial da Comarca de João Pessoal. Author(s) of original material: Cártório da Primeira e Segunda Vara Judicial e Cartório extra-Judicial.