Ações Criminais

A Seriescontém documentos em formato processo, manuscrito, entre os anos de 1870 a 1908, constante de Inquérito policial, sumário crime, Processo crime, contra homens e mulheres, livres e escravizadas, pelo crime de homicídio, agressão, furto, roubo, injúria. Consta ainda, processo de apreensão de escravos, corpo de delito, Habeas corpus, entre outros. The series contains documents in the forms of process, manuscript, between 1870 and 1908, containing a police inquiry, summary of the crime, criminal proceedings of men and women, free and enslaved due to crimes such as homicide, aggression, robbery, theft, slander. It also contains processes of slave apprehension, corpus delicti, Habeas corpus, among others. Custodial history: Document produced by the Criminal Court, District of Mamanguape. Extent and format of original material: 386 items. Physical characteristics: It has tears, acidity from the ferrogallic ink, sheets corroded by insects, damaged sheets making it difficult for reading, dirt and water stains, perforations, sheets darkened due to dirt, faded ink, new folder. Owner(s) of original material: Fórum Miguel Levino de Oliveira Ramos, Comarca de Mamanguape. Author(s) of original material: Justiça Pública.