اردوے معلیٰ

Urdu-yi mualla, a journal published from 1903 to 1910, and after 15 years gap, again from 1925 to 1929, served Urdu literature and established traditions of literary criticism and evaluation. Its editor was a prominent activist and poet, and played important roles in both political and literary matters. The journal’s politics often brought it trouble from the colonial administration. Thorough this magazine Hasrat Mohani tried to convey his thought to the masses. Literary essays were also published in the magazine along with political essays. Dimentions: 22×14 cm; 21.5×13 cm.

Extent: 22 electronic files contain 1158 TIFF Images.

Arrangement: The issues belonging to this periodical have been bound into 8 volumes. Each volume contains 12 issues in a year. The volumes are arranged chronologically by year. Within the volumes the issues are arranged numerically by issue number.