Periodicals [1915–1918]

Serbian newspapers printed on Corfu and in Thessaloniki at the time of the First World War in exile represent rare materials which were read by Serbian soldiers in the battlefield; also, journals published by the Serbian emigration in Europe and Serbian periodicals created outside Europe at the time of the First World War and published in Bizerte (Tunisia), New York and South America are a part of this collection; rare issues of periodicals printed in Serbia are also a part of this collection. Extent and format of original material: 8 files This series contains the following 8 sub-series: EAP833/1/2/1: La Patrie serbe: revue mensuelle pour la jeunesse serbe en exil (The Serbian Fatherland: a monthly magazine for Serbian youth in exile) [1917-1918] EAP833/1/2/2: La Revue Hebdomadaire (The Weekly Review) [1916] EAP833/1/2/3: La Yougoslavie: organe de la Démocratie Indépendante Yougoslave [1917] EAP833/1/2/4: "Misao" [1918] EAP833/1/2/5: “Pregled listova” [1915-1918] EAP833/1/2/6: Revue Yougoslave [1919] EAP833/1/2/7: "Jugoslovenski glasnik" [1915] EAP833/1/2/8: "Srpske novine" [1916-1918].