Lazic Family Archive [1854–1926]

This collection is very valuable because it is composed of unique materials which do not exist in other archives or libraries and their preservation is of utmost importance for researchers in the field of humanities and social sciences. Most of publications are printed in the middle of the Great War, on foreign territory, in hardly accessible machines, they are printed on low quality fragile paper, often destroyed in war canals and by weather conditions. Second major part of the collection represent law books, among which are many theoretical and practical editions which either caused great changes in the Serbian society and law or they are crucial for theoretical and historical research of the Serbian state and law.

This valuable private collection has been owned by the Lazić family for six generations. Aleksandar Lazić (1846–1916) was the founder and the owner of the Library until 1910. Since then the owner became his son Luka Lazić (1876-1946) who enriched this private library with materials about the First World War. He would acquire them either on the battlefield or in the rear of it and the small number of them he would purchase after the war until 1946. With his son, Milorad Lazić (1912–1977), his successor, he created a valuable collection of law books, the majority of which were either acquired or bought between 1930 and 1950. The significant part of this collection was overtaken from the closed monarchist libraries which were later run by the communists. Another significant gift was given by Hilandar, the most important Serbian monastery, located in Greece. After Milorad Lazić’s death, his wife, Danica Lazić (1977-1993), became the owner of this private collection and she was succeeded by Milorad and Danica’s grandson, Viktor Lazić in 1993, who is also the current owner.

Extent and format of original material: 6 series.

This collection contains the following 6 series.

  • EAP833/1/1: War Publications [1914–1921]
  • EAP833/1/2: Periodicals [1915–1918]
  • EAP833/1/3: Archival material [1921–1922]
  • EAP833/1/4: Calendars [1854–1926]
  • EAP833/1/5: Law Books published by Geca Kon [1909-1940]
  • EAP833/1/6: Other Law books [1844–1939].