Affaires Religieuses Musulmanes [1928-1959] – Muslim Affairs [1928-1959]

The series gathers documents relating to Muslim Affairs, which constituted a subject of careful analysis by the colonial administrators. This material – partly present in the series E (“Political Affairs”) according to national classification scheme for the colonial fonds, and partly gathered by surveying scattered documents – is of particular importance for the history of Islam in the area of Bandiagara and beyond. It contains reports, confidential correspondence, telegrams, notes on marabouts, monthly bulletins of information on Islamic propaganda, Hamallism and Tijaniyyah. Some of these documents were produced by other institutional bodies of the colony of French Sudan and may be accessed, as original or copy, even in other archives, but their archival bond and the notes that often accompany the reception and provision of information, provide us unique and valuable data. The series includes 3 files of which 2 have been digitised.