Legal Matters

61 files. Documents concerning disputes, litigations and trials. Many folders include documents created in the steps of the trial, in original or copy. It uses Latin script with Nzima phonetic characters. This collection contains the following 61 files: EAP722/5/3/1: Kwamin Ghamin versus Chief Kweku Atta of Axim, 3 Dec 1900-21 Jun 1901 EAP722/5/3/2: Infum versus Ghami. In the Matter of certain stools deposited in Court in the action, 15 Jan 1904 EAP722/5/3/3: Attah Kobina versus Kwesi Ayeppah , 11 Aug 1925 EAP722/5/3/4: Chief Kwami Gharmin II for himself and on behalf of the Stool of Brewire versus Chief Nebba II as representing the Stool of Upper Town, Axim, 8 Nov 1929 EAP722/5/3/5: Kwasie Amanguah Chief of Anwianu versus J.A. Kwasie of Avreboo, 14 Mar 1941 EAP722/5/3/6: Madam Adjuah Siasoom versus Ebbi Mienzah, 1956-1959 EAP722/5/3/7: Treason Trial (Supplement with "Ghana Today", 09/08/1963). The State versus Robert Benjamin Otchere, Joseph Yaw Manu, Tawia Adamafio, Ako Adjei, Hugh Horatio Cofie-Crabbe, 9 Aug 1963 EAP722/5/3/8: Manzah of Upper Axim versus Adah of Akyinim, Upper Axim, 13 Apr 1969 EAP722/5/3/9: Ebrehunlu of Lower Axim versus Amma Ngotsiah of Lower Axim, 27 Oct 1969 EAP722/5/3/10: Handwritten notes concerning cases, 1970 EAP722/5/3/11: Joseph Minston of Brawire and Aba Ntiako of Brawire versus Kobbina Bambey of Brawire and Kwesi of Brawire, 14 Feb 1970 EAP722/5/3/12: Nana Neba Kwaw II, Omanhene of Upper Axim versus Kofi Gyan (carpenter), Upper Axim, 30 Mar 1970 EAP722/5/3/13: Abremah of Upper Axim versus Benjimin Armoo of I.P.A., Achimota, 13 Apr 1970 EAP722/5/3/14: Kwa Assuah of Upper Axim versus Kubilibah of Lower Axim, 13 Apr 1970 EAP722/5/3/15: Madam Yaba Kwaba versus Opanyin Kojo Asabil , 5 Nov 1974-1983 EAP722/5/3/16: Awulae Neba Kwaw III and Kobina Kwabo, all of Axim versus Musama Disco Christo Church, Axim, 14 Mar 1976-13 May 2000 EAP722/5/3/17: Opanyin Kodjoe Osei of Amanvukumanu versus Madam Kwabah of Lower Axim, 4 Jan 1978 EAP722/5/3/18: Nana Ohene Atta III, Omanhene of Lower Axim Traditional Area and Nana Neba Kwaw III, Omanhene of Upper Axim Traditional Area versus Western Region House of Chiefs Sekondi and Nana Agyefi Kwame Omanhene of Nsein Traditional Area, 3 Apr 1978-19 Jul 1985 EAP722/5/3/19: Kwame Ama versus Alhaji Banana and State Insurance Corporation, 25 Oct 1982 EAP722/5/3/20: Nana Yaba Kwaba (Ohema-Elect) and Egya Amo Mienza (Abusuakpanyinli-Elect) versus Joseph Kwesi Quarm (self-styled Head of Nsona Family), B.K. Armoo (self-styled pivot of Nsona Family), Mary Chinebuah, and J.D. Dadson, all c/o Kojo Asabil, Upper Town, Axim, 23 Aug 1983 EAP722/5/3/21: Joseph D. Dadson, Mrs. Mary Chinebua and B.K. Armoo versus Papa Armo Miezah, 1983-1994 EAP722/5/3/22: Opanyin Kojo Asabil and 6 others (Petitioners/Respondents) and Nana Armo Mienza at Opanyin Gokeh, Armo Mienza and 2 others (Respondents/Appellants). Appeal, 20 Dec 1984-17 Dec 2003 EAP722/5/3/23: In defence of Kojo Asabil's Western Region House of Chief/Sekondi High Court/National House of Chiefs Kumasi against enstoolment and incidentals, 1985 EAP722/5/3/24: The Republic versus A.E.K. Aliba alias Nana Neba Kwaw III, Upper Axim Traditional Council. Ex parte: Opanyin Kojo Asabil and Opanyin J.D. Dadson, 10 Jun 1985-25 Jul 2007 EAP722/5/3/25: The Republic versus the Judicial Committee of the National House of Chief. Ex parte: Opanyin Kojo Asabil, Opanyin J.D. Dadson, Madam Araba Afenyiwah, Madam Margaret Sikapa, Opanyin B.I. Armo, Opanyin George Baidoo, Mrs. Mary Chinebuah , 18 Feb 1986-3 Apr 1987 EAP722/5/3/26: Kwasi Tanoe of Axim versus Paul Inkrumah of Ayisakro, 12 Dec 1986-19 Feb 1987 EAP722/5/3/27: Nana Kojo Kyi and Abusua Kpanyinli Kwasi Tanoe versus Paul Nkrumah and Cobbinah, 8 Dec 1987 EAP722/5/3/28: The Republic versus Celestus Nokoe, 17 Mar 1989 EAP722/5/3/29: Niitwe (Plaintiff) versus Messrs Eluku and Nyameke (Defendants), 22 Jun 1989 EAP722/5/3/30: Mrs. Theresa Kinna of Tolanu, Axim versus Mame Badu of Tolanu, Axim, 25 Jan 1990-19 Mar 1990 EAP722/5/3/31: Nana Ende II, Nana Armo Miezah versus Kobina VI of Brawire, Axim. In the District Magistrate Court, Grade 1, 18 Jun 1992-20 Mar 1993 EAP722/5/3/32: The Republic versus James Kwaw Amoah, 3 Aug 1992-7 Oct 1992 EAP722/5/3/33: Madam Caru (Plaintiff) versus Madam Yaa (Defendant), 2 Dec 1992 EAP722/5/3/34: The Republic versus Emmanuel Bissue alias Kofie, 15 Jul 1993 EAP722/5/3/35: Mrs. Florence Bellicent Smith (Mame Araba Kodua), Madam Rose Brace (Mame Atta Effua) (Petitioners) versus Nana Abena Gyedua II (Queenmoter of Wasa Fiase Paramount Stool), Nana Kwesi Akrosa II (Ebusuapanyin of Wasa Fiase Paramount Stool), Kwesi Ampong c/o Omanhene's Palace, Benso (Respondents), 10 Jun 1994-7 Nov 2001 EAP722/5/3/36: The Republic versus The Western Regional House of Chief. Ex parte: Ebusuapanyin Kojo Asabil, 20 Dec 1994 EAP722/5/3/37: The Republic versus Anthony Tuffs Kwofie (Alias Do). Complaint: Awulae Neba Kwaw III, Omanhene Upper Axim Traditional Council, 28 Jun 1996-12 Aug 1999 EAP722/5/3/38: Kabenla Johnson versus Akua, 17 Oct 1996 EAP722/5/3/39: The Republic versus Western Region House of Chiefs. Ex parte: Nana Kru Preku II (Applicant), Nana Kyiei V and others (1st interested parties) and Nana Abena Gyedua (2nd interested party), 28 Feb 1997 EAP722/5/3/40: The Republic versus The Judicial Committee of Western Region House of Chiefs (Respondents). Ex parte: Nana Yaw Gyebi II (Applicant), Nana Kwesi Gyamprah II (Interested Party), 14 May 1998 EAP722/5/3/41: Opanyin George Baidoe c/o Twiba Chambers, Takoradi versus Numuah Melabenu of Bilaeile, Axim , 31 Jul 1998-7 Jul 2000 EAP722/5/3/42: The Republic versus Upper Axim Traditional Council and 7 others. Ex parte Nana Kwaku Duku II, 18 May 2000 EAP722/5/3/43: The Republic versus Eduasi, 9 Jan 2001-25 Feb 2002 EAP722/5/3/44: Nana Afukaah Kofi Bediatu Ababio (Plaintiff) versus Awulae Neba Kwaw II and Western Region House of Chief, Sekondi (Defendants). In The High Court of Justice, 24 Jun 2002-14 Nov 2002 EAP722/5/3/45: Mavis Keniah of Amanvukumani, Axim versus Ekon Carpenter and 5 others all of Axim, 21 Oct 2002 EAP722/5/3/46: The Republic versus Western Regional House of Chief. Ex parte Nana Yaw Gyebi II and Nana Kwesi Gyamprah II, 21 Oct 2002-24 Oct 2002 EAP722/5/3/47: Stephen Nyame, Opanyin Asare versus Egya Conway and Egya Mobebenu, 31 Mar 2003-2 Sep 2004 EAP722/5/3/48: The Republic versus A.E.K. Alibah a.k.a. Awulae Neba Kwau III (Respondent). Ex parte: Nana Afukaa Bediatuo II (Applicant), 27 Oct 2003-19 Dec 2011 EAP722/5/3/49: Awulae Neba Kwaw III and 1 other versus Mrs. Helena Baidoo and Rose Enu-Kwesi, alias Omo Awo, 9 Jun 2004-27 May 2005 EAP722/5/3/50: The Republic versus Western Region House of Chiefs, Electoral Commission, Western Region (Respondents). Ex parte Awulae Angama Tu Agyan II (Applicant), 20 Oct 2004 EAP722/5/3/51: Janice Larbi Siaw of Accra versus Awulae Neba Kwaw III. In the District Magistrate Court, Axim, 30 Jun 2005-20 Jul 2006 EAP722/5/3/52: Ebusuapanyin Kojo Asabil versus Awulae Neba Kwaw III, 27 Oct 2005-14 Mar 2007 EAP722/5/3/53: The Republic versus National House of Chiefs. Ex parte Neba Kwaw III, 20 Aug 2007-19 Dec 2011 EAP722/5/3/54: The Republic versus The High Court, Sekondi (Applicant/Contemnor applicant). Ex parte Awulae Neba Kwaw III (Applicant/Respondent), 12 Nov 2007-29 May 2008 EAP722/5/3/55: The Republic versus National House of Chiefs, Kumasi and the Research Committee of National House of Chiefs, Kumasi. Ex parte Awulae Neba Kwaw II, 18 Feb 2008-21 Apr 2010 EAP722/5/3/56: Awulae Neba Kwaw III (Plaintiff) versus Awulae Attibrukusu and Lower Pra Rural Bank (Defendants), 1 Dec 2008-20 Jan 2009 EAP722/5/3/57: The Republic versus The National House of Chiefs, Kumasi and the Research Committee of the National House of Chiefs, Kumasi. Ex parte: Awulae Neba Kwuaw III, 24 Apr 2009-18 Jun 2009 EAP722/5/3/58: The Republic versus A.E.K. Alibah. Ex parte: Banjamin Armo, 18 Jun 2009-26 Jan 2010 EAP722/5/3/59: Case between Nana Afukaa Bediatuo II, Awulae Abrokwah Nsuapim II (Petitioners) and Nana Kwaw Tendene II, Gyasehne of the Upper Axim Paramount Stool (Respondent), 7 Sept 2010 EAP722/5/3/60: Nana Ebiamah II Queenmoter of Upper Axim versus Mrs. Helena Baidoe of Kokurado, Upper Axim, 11 Mar 2013 EAP722/5/3/61: The Republic versus Mrs. Agnes Muzu Syling herself as Nana Ebiamah III, Axim. Ex parte: Benjamin Armo, 19 Sep 2013.