"Historical archive of Mompox, Colombia [1710-1968]"

(The Historical Archives of Mompox has several documentary collections classified as follows: 1) Notary Protocols: books whose deeds collect information relates to the sale of rural and urban property, slaves, livestock, and the recording of mortgages, wills, debt recognition, power, among others. The oldest book of this collection dates back to 1793, corresponding to a land dispute between the neighbors and the Marquis de Loba Torrehoyos. The most recent book is for the year of 1920. 2) Books of Minutes of the City Council: These books contain the minutes of the meetings of the City Council Mompox between 1849 and 1899. The minutes containing the resolutions of the Council relating to the political and administrative decisions concerning public works, education, health, Management and maintenance of roads among others. 3) Public Instruments Books: These books contain information related to the registration of rural and urban properties. It complements the information contained in existing public documents in the books of protocol. The oldest book dates from 1859 and the newest is from 1895. 4) Books of Deaths. These books contain information about the legal registration of deaths in Mompox between 1892 and 1899. 5) Loose Sheets: These pages contain a wide array of unclassified information contained in two boxes covering the period 1846-1896. 6) Newspapers and journals: corresponds to examples related to newspapers from municipality of Mompox and other surrounding towns and other journals, including the Journal of the Academy of History of Mompox.