Governmental Correspondence

The series contains letters, official letters (ofícios), provisions, petitions (requerimentos), and representations (representações) produced by governors and the Provincial Assembly of Paraíba (Junta Provincial da Paraíba) between 1757 and 1824. Records decisions over who would govern the captaincy of Paraíba and the inauguration of governors; relation on the jurisdiction of the governor of the captaincy subordinated to Pernambuco; on military regiments; the lack of African slaves; logging for construction; droughts occurring between 1791 and 1793 and which caused the death of cattle and slaves; donations of land grants (sesmarias); the Fortaleza do Cabedelo; remittance of Indians to the Royal Navy; desertion of soldiers; the confiscation of the possessions of the revolutionaries of 1817, Paraíba’s allegiance to the Portuguese Constitution; and officials’ manifestation (manifestação) regarding Brazil’s independence (1823).

Manuscript book, contains non-original cover and binding that compromise readability; cover loose cover; folios damaged by insects and iron gall ink; also damaged by water and tearing.

Creator (Author): King (Portugal); Paraíba governors; provincial Council (Junta Provincial).