
This series contains bound volumes of handwritten marriage records registered between 1770 and 1927 in the parish of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, in Cariri de Fora/São João do Cariri. Among the betrothed are the those legally designated as free, abandoned, freed, and enslaved. Racial/ethnic designations include black, "pardo", white, and "mixed". The betrothed came from Campina Grande, Taguaratinga, Brejo de Madre de Deos, Alagoa Nova, São José do Piranhas, Cabaceiras, Monteiro, Patos, and other regions. Marriages took place at the main church, Capela do Batalhão, Capela de São Thomé, and private places of prayer. Sacraments were administered by Father Cypriano Jozé da Camara Gondim, Vicar José de Sousa Magalhães, and others.

Volumes produced by the Parish Church of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres de São João do Cariri.