The Helmi Sutan Marajo Collection [1800-1900]

6 manuscripts dealing with Tasawuf, history of Sufi brotherhoods, Arabic grammar and fiqh; collection contains manuscripts with decorative leather binding with floral ornaments.

Physical characteristics: European and Indonesian paper. The condition of manuscripts is critical and endangered, texts are washed out, pages are ripped apart and rotten.

  • EAP352/2/1: Syair Islam
  • EAP352/2/2: Fiqh [Colophon written by Muhammad Rais 30 Zulhijrah 1263H (1841)]
  • EAP352/2/3: Kitab Nurbuat Agung [1335H (1913)]
  • EAP352/2/4: Ajaran Sholat dan Doa-Doa [19th century]
  • EAP352/2/5: Nahwu [19th century]
  • EAP352/2/6: Sholat [19th century]

Author: Sheikhs of Surau Tabek Panjang.