Western-Style Theatre [1860-1943]

The series comprises mythological drama, with some overlap with the jatra in content and technique but more reliant on dialogue and psychological play; historical drama; social themes, often with a stress on satire or reform. Besides many plays based on classical Sanskrit works generally, there are specific translations and adaptation of classical Sanskrit drama. Some plays are adaptation of famous novels, like Debi chaudhurani, Kapalkundala and Krishnakanter will by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, Rajput jiban sandhya by Rameshchandra Datta, and Datta and Bindur chhele by Saratchandra Chattopadhyay. There is also a dramatic adaptation of Michael Mahdusudan Dutt’s epic Meghnadbadhkabya. The collection also includes farces and comedies, often with a strong element of social satire.

Printed books: 150 titles, 3 of them in 2 editions each, making a total of 153 volumes. Printed in black and white.