Surrogate Copies of the Anandāśram Collection of Marathi Manuscripts

Digital and microfilm copies of Marathi manuscripts held by the Anandāśram, Pune, India. The manuscripts date from Śake 1492 to the 20th century (although most are undated), and cover a range of subjects, including:

  • Literary analysis (alaṃkār sāhitya).
  • Poetry (kāvya) - long poetry and shorter poetry (mahākāvya/laghukāvya), narrative poetry (kathā), drama (nāṭak), campū, muktak
  • Dictionaries (koś)
  • Jain literature
  • Astrology (jyotiṣ)
  • Religious law (dharmaśāstra)
  • Ethics (nīti)
  • Mythology (purāṇ-itihās) - Rāmāyaṇa; Mahābhārata; Bhagavadgītā; Bhāgavata Purāṇa; various Purāṇas
  • Tantric texts (mantra-tantra)
  • Sacrificial texts (yājñik)
  • Veda
  • Vedānta
  • Science of medicine (vaidyakaśāstra)
  • Grammar (vyākaraṇ)
  • Srauta
  • Music (saṅgīt)
  • Hymns of praise (stotras)
  • Tradition (smṛtigranth)