Kaichao Wang Collection of Dongjing ManuscriptsKaichao Wang Collection of Dongjing Manuscripts

This collection contains digital copies of 10 volumes of dongjing manuscripts from south Yunnan (southwest China) collected by Mr Kaichao Wang, an active member of Mengzi and Jianshui dongjing societies since 1990. The volumes were copied as part of the EAP209 Survey on surviving dongjing archives in Jianshui, Tonghai and Mengzi project

The original manuscripts are written in ink on cotton-paper and date to the early and middle 20 th century. The exact dates of the texts and names of the scribes are unknown. The majority of the texts relate to dongjing performances. The collection also includes 2 volumes of a text to worship the North God and Chinese mythological deities

Public records of dongjing societies are not kept by the government. It is therefore the sole responsibility of its members to protect their records. These digital copies preserve a rare collection of traditional dongjing texts endangered by social changes occurring in modern China.