“Museo de La Plata. Departamento de Arqueología. Colección Fotográfica Muñiz Barreto” [1919-1929]

This collection was made between 1919 and 1929 in the context of several archaeological expeditions supported by Benjamín Muñiz Barreto (1876-1933) an “estanciero” (rancher and stockbreeder) and enthusiatic collector of archaeological objects and books.

The excavation works were limited to the provinces of Jujuy, Tucumán and Catamarca. Muñiz Barreto hired the engineer Wladimir Weiser and the draftsman Friedrich Wolters, who conducted a methodical record of the expeditions, mapping the archaeological sites, keeping detailed diaries, making drawings and taking photographs. They were helped in the field by the photographer Segundo Finizzola. The resulting collection of photographs was grouped into ten albums that illustrate the work of excavation, the objects collected, general views of archaeological sites and rock art in the form of petroglyphs and engraved stones. It contains also general views of landscapes, villages, buildings, local inhabitants and indigenous peoples, some of which were taken in other provinces as Salta, Córdoba and Los Andes National Territory. The collection was purchased along with Muñiz Barreto archaeological collections in 1932-1933 by the National Government for the Museo de La Plata, where it forms part of the Department of Archaeology since then.