Surau Tuo Taram Collection of Sufic Texts

The manuscripts in this collection were copied as part of the EAP205 Endangered Manuscript Collections of Sufi Brotherhoods in Western Sumatra project. This original volumes are held by the Surau Tuo Taram in Kecamatan Harau, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Western Sumatra.

One manuscript narrates the popular Minangkabu mythological story about Raja Dhalim; the other is a work on Arabic Grammar. The manuscripts are thought to date from the 19th and 18th centuries respectively, although exact dates are unknown. At the time of cataloguing, the original material within the Surau was maintained by Ramli Dt. Marajo Basa.

These items are only two of the 14 manuscripts held at the Surau Tuo Taram. Information about the other materials can be found in the EAP205 survey report. Over the past 50 years many Surau manuscripts have been misplaced, stolen, and damaged or destroyed, which accounts for the small size of the collection.