Larecaja [1832-1913]

It contains the register of the population of this Province that lived in the communities and in the "haciendas" (large private states) and continued paying, as in the Colonial Period, a state tax known as the "indigenal contribution", amounting as much as 40% of the state total income. In this territorial jusrisdiction are the following Cantons: Ilabaya, Chuchulaya, Combaya, Timusi, Quiabaya, Libertad (Carmen de la Libertad), Consata (Conzata), Yani, Zongo, Tipuani, Villa de Esquivel, Challana, Guanay, Ananea, Mapiri Chiñijo, Mapiri, Chiñijo, Sorata, Liguata, Cachapa, Tacacoma, Chacapa, Sarampiuni, Itulaya and Liguata - Itulaya.

It was one of the 7 "parties" of the Department of La Paz when it was created (1825). This Province was created by the Decree-Law of February 9 1825. In 1826, part of its territory became the Muñecas Province.