Ingavi [1910-1932]

It contains the register of the population of this Province that lived in the communities and in the "haciendas" (large private states) and continued paying, as in the Colonial Period, a state tax known as the "indigenal contribution", amounting as much as 40% of the state total income. In this territorial jusrisdiction are the following Cantons:Viacha, Tiaguanaco (Tiahuanacu), Guaqui (Puerto de Guaqui), Taraco (Taracu), Jesús de Machaca, San Andrés de Machaca and Desaguadero.

In 1842, the former Pacajes Province became the Ingavi Province, and in 1856, this Province was divided into two sections. One of them was called with the former denomination: Pacajes, and the other called the latest denomination: Ingavi (Law of December 16 1909).