Murillo [1929]

It contains the register of the population of thisProvince that lived in the communities and in the "haciendas" (large private states) and continued paying, as in the Colonial Period, a state tax known as the "indigenal contribution", amounting as much as 40% of the state total income. In this territorial jusrisdiction are the following Cantons: Cohoni, Mecapaca, Chanca, Zongo, Achocalla y San Pedro. También se encuentran los cantones de Sapahaqui, Luribay, Coroico, Villa de la Libertad, Irupana, Laza, Chirca, Ocobaya, Chupe, Yanacachi, Lambate, Cajuata, Suri, Yaco, Charapajsi, Mohoza, Quime, Ichoca, Inquisivi y Capiñata belonging to the jurisdictions of the Loayza, Nor Yungas, Sud Yungas and Inquisivi provinces.

Initially called the Cercado Province (Decree of January 8 1838), it was later called Murillo Province (Law of Octuber 17 1912).