Darusadath Family Archive

Arabic manuscripts and lithographs inherited by the archive owner from his father.

Extent: 19 Arabic manuscripts.

· EAP1390/1/1 Kitāb al-Raḥmah fīal-Ṭīb wa-al-Ḥikmah.

· EAP1390/1/2 Sharḥ al-Kāfiyahfī Uṣūl ʽIlm al-Ṭibb.

· EAP1390/1/3 Kitābal-Mujarabbāt.

· EAP1390/1/4 Majmūʻ al-Mawlid.

· EAP1390/1/5 Majmūʻatal-ʻAqāʼid wa-al-Fiqh.

· EAP1390/1/6 Majmūʻatal-Taṣawwuf.

· EAP1390/1/7 Majmūʽatal-Fawāʼid.

· EAP1390/1/8 Majmūʽatal-Qiṣṣah.

· EAP1390/1/9 Qaṭr al-Nada.

· EAP1390/1/10 Nūr al-Lamʽah fīKhaṣāʼiṣ al-Jumʽah.

· EAP1390/1/11 Manẓūmatal-ʽAwāmil.

· EAP1390/1/12 Qaṣīdatal-Witriyah fi Madḥ Khayr al-Bariyyah.

· EAP1390/1/13 Rawḍatal-ʽUlamāʼ.

· EAP1390/1/14 Rawḍahal-ʽUlamāʼ 2.

· EAP1390/1/15 Rawḍatal-ʽUlamāʼ 3.

· EAP1390/1/16 Rawḍahal-ʽUlamāʼ 4.

· EAP1390/1/17 Maʽdin al-Yawāqītfi Manāqib al-Aʼimat al-Arbaʽah.

· EAP1390/1/18 Qaṣīdatal-Burdah.

· EAP1390/1/19 Jawharatal-Tawḥīd.

Custodial history: Thecollection was inherited from the owner's father, Sayyid Abdul Khadar Ba AlawiMattul.

Arrangement: This is a privatecollection that was inherited from the father of the archive owner in 1990. Themanuscripts are kept on shelves with no systematic catalogue or list. The orderis based on the owner's memory of the location of the different manuscripts.

Alternative calendar and date:Islamic, 1031-c 1340 Hijri.

Author(s)/Creator(s): N/A.