مكتبة عائلة الشاهد

Chahed Family Library. Extent: 83 items comprising 5 manuscripts (bound and unbound); 75 lithograph or typset print volumes, and 3 documents. Condition of original material: These responses were based on comparison of the original item with images of items in different conditions. Custodial history: Most of the library belonged to Muḥammad Ṭāhir al-Shāhid (d.1972), who was imam of the El Trouk Mosque in Djerba in the mid-20th century. After his retirement, the books were stored in his family's estate. Following his death, they passed to his daughter Amal Chahed, who donated them to the project. A small number of the manuscripts and printed books appear to have belonged originally to the El Trouk Mosque Library itself. Arrangement: There were no original shelfmarks and the arrangement of the collection is based on the basic division into manuscript items, print volumes, and documents. Related place note: Some items in the collection were produced locally while others were produced outside of Djerba, including in places like Cairo, Istanbul, Algiers, or Tunis. In most cases, however, it is difficult to be certain of this. Since all materials are currently located in Djerba, Tunisia is given as the default on the file level. Since all materials are current located in Houmet Souk, Djerba, this is given as the default. Date range note: When the date was unknown, the range 18th-19th century was used for manuscript volumes, since this represents the majority of items in the collection. Printed volumes date to the 20th century. Alternative calendar and date: Alternative Hijri (Islamic) calendar dates were only given when specifically mentioned. In case of ranges, their equivalents in the Hijri calendar are not provided. Author(s)/Creator(s): The names of authors are based on the document itself, if the author identifies himself/herself by name. Scribe(s): In cases where the copyist of the manuscript appears in the text, it is noted. Otherwise, the default is unknown. "Various" refers to composite manuscript volumes for which there are three or more authors, whose names may or may not be identified. Publisher(s): Applicable only to printed volumes and only given if the printer is identified in the text.