Институт языка и литературы, отдел фольклора, Молдавский фольклор р-н Бельцы, Орхей, Суслeнь ,Дубоссарь,1947

Patriot songs, soldiers' songs, nuptial orations,lyric songs, tales, riddles. The creations are recorded from informants not in the original context of performance. Gathered in Meteuți Village, Orhei district, Coșuleni village, Hotin district, Petricești village, Ungheni district, Hăsnășeni village, Bălți district, Slobozia Recea, Bălți district, Florești village, Soroca district, Bălți town, Casăceni village, Bălți district,in Sângureni, Nedeleni, Sofia,Iezereni, Valadeni, Mânzăcești, Doltu, Călinești, Moara de Piătră, Beșeni, Condrabești villages, Bălți district, Culinaia -Veche village, Odessa district, Izvoare, Gura-Căinarului villages, Soroca district, Voronești village, Sauleni district,in Cocieri village, Dubăsari district, in Budăi village, Orhei district, Bulgești village, Susleni district. Custodial history: The archival material was gathered in 1947 by M. Barcarul, Cornegruța S.A., Ionițoi Mihail, Caristova M., Băbuleac I., Roșca Anastasia, Moldovan M., Shchiuca Maria. It was taken into custody by the Institute of Language and Literature of the Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences / MSSR Academy of Sciences and had the same custodial history as the entire collection. Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 6 notebooks. Owner(s) of original material: Institute of Language and Literature, nowadays Institute of Romanian Philology "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu". Author(s) of original material: Cuzuioc Agafia, Jungan Ecaterina, Bosiul Efim, Popovici Simeon, Rotari M., Pascari Iv., Ursai Al., Pânzaru Vasile, Nastas Grigore, Musteață V., Tărăveni Pavel, Vidabolvscaia Ev., Cucoș S., Șvarciuc Olga, Ghirișan V., Guzan F., Negură D. Scribe of original material: M. Barcarul, Cornegruța S. A., Ionițoi Mihail, Caristova M., Băbuleac I., Roșca Anastasia, Moldovan M., Shchiuca Maria. Additional language information: Romanian, Russian (title only).