Institutul de limbă și literatură, Folclor moldovenesc r-nul Dubăsari, s. Izvorul Mare, s. Pârâta, Pohrebea, r-nul Bolotiono, s. Petrușeni, 1946

New Year wishes (hăituri), tales, funny stories, lyric songs, carols, dirges, riddles, nuptial orations, disenchantments, wedding farewells, short stories.The creations are recorded from informants not in the original context of performance.The context of performance and the additional instruments are stated by the informants for some of the folkloric creations. Gathered in Petrușeni village, Bolotino district; Izvorul Mare village, Coșnița village, Pohrebea village, Pârâta village, Dubăsari district. Custodial history: The archival material was gathered in the summer of 1946 by 2 students of the State University of Chişinău. It was taken into custody by the Institute of Language and Literature of the Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences / MSSR Academy of Sciences and had the same custodial history as the entire collection. Extent and format of original material: 1 volume containing 1 notebook. Owner(s) of original material: Institute of Language and Literature, nowadays Institute of Romanian Philology "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu". Author(s) of original material: Lungu Vasile, Romanciuc Ilie, Rusu Ion, Rusu Ștefan, Rusu Ion, Lungu Vasile, Mititel Parascovia, Varenieva Clavdia, Parașneacova Anna, Parașneacova Evdochia, , Parașneacova A., Ivanova Elizaveta, Parașneacova A., Varenieva C., Vinari Efrosinia, Țițiuc Efrosinia, Todorov S.F., Lipschii A.I., Drigaci Ivan, Rus Nadejda, Larionova Alexandra, Todorov Samoil, Țanga Ilie, Țanga Nadea, Repida Ecaterina, Plievici Evdochia, Ilievici Dionis, Ilievici Fecla, Ilievici Dionis, Ilievici Evdochia, Nagșa Nionila, Tanasenco I. F., Palai Ivan, Tanasenco Ileana, Nacul Semen, Nagaș Nionila, Racovici Axenia, Racovici Pelagheia, Racovici Axenia, Ilievici Maria, Socolov Semen, Racovici Axenia, Socolov Semen, Cărăuș Fedor, Dmitreva Ana, Carauș Fedosia, Doban Fevronia, Dmitreva Anna, Nagalișov Nicolai, Dmitreva Anna, Doban Fevronia, Pascal Harștina, Doban Fevronia, Varenieva Clava, Pascal Harștina, Chirilov Anatolii, Paraşneacova Anna. Scribe of original material: Voitovschi V.A., Varenieva A.E.