Lin Huang Collection of Dongjing Material [early 19th-mid 20th century]

This collection consists of digitised copies of manuscript and audiovisual material collected and created by Lin Huang during his research into Dongjing traditions in Yunnan province over a period of 40 years. The material was digitised as part of the project EAP012 Salvage and Preservation of Dongjing Archives in Yunnan, China: Transcript, Score, Ritual and Performance.

The original manuscripts are primarily mimeograph copies of handwritten and wood-block printed music scores, sutras and lyrics. Notes and correspondence written by Lin Huang, Dongjing music societies and other Dongjing music enthusiasts have been included with the scores and sutras. The scores are written primarily in jianpu notation, although a couple are written in guqing notation. The manuscripts date from the late 19th to mid 20th centuries.

The audiovisual material consists of recordings of Dongjing performances. The original videos were recorded between 1980 and 2004. The performance recordings feature participants speaking in Yunnan dialect Chinese.