Chaozhen Li Collection of Dongjing Material [c 1979-2006]

This collection consists of digitised Dongjing music scores, lyrics and sutras, audio and video recordings of Dongjing performances, and interviews with Dongjing performers. This material was digitised as part of the project EAP012 Salvage and Preservation of Dongjing Archives in Yunnan, China: Transcript, Score, Ritual and Performance, and date roughly from 1979-2006.

The collection was formed during a thorough survey on Dongjing in Chuxiong when Mr. Li was the director of Chuxiong Museum. The performances and interviews are spoken in the Chinese Yunnan dialect.The following regions are covered in the collection: Chuxiong, Heqing, Luhe Baitucheng, Lufeng, Nanhua, Wujie, Yao'an, Yongren and Yuanmou counties.