حاشية شيخ الإسلام على ابن الناظم في النحو

Dark brown leather binding; black ink with rubrics; European watermarked paper: "Anchor" watermark with trefoil above (f.&9); "Crown Star Crescent" watermark (f.5&6); Cross inside teardrop shape and letter "F" (f.72&79); Cross inside teardrop shape and letters "F" and "G" (f.74&77); Dove(?) (f.104&107).

220 folios; 22 x 15.75 cm.

Original location reference: 62.

Author: Abu Yayha Zakariyya al-Ansari al-Shafi'i.

Scribe: Unknown.

Owner(s) of the original material: Abd al-Karim b. Salim al-Milwi.

Additional date information: 19th century?.