Фотоальбом старообрядцев Скобёлкиных

Album with photos of family Skobyolkin - Aleksandr Andreevitch, Olga Fyodorovna and their children. Complex binding (fabric spine and cardboard covers). Probably made by L.P. Shutov, based on a children's drawing album made by factory "Voskhod" (USSR). In the center of the top cover binding there is the paper sticker with typewritten text in a frame: "PHOTOGRAPHIC / PICTURES / of SKOBYOLKIN family / from Strelnikovo village." 13 photos in order of their location in the album:: 1) Skobyolkin Aleksandr Andreevitch - father (5.02.1868 - 20.01.1942), 2) Skobyolkina Olga Fyodorovna - mother (12.07.1866 - 17.01.1938), 3) Skobyolkin Mikhail Aleksandrovitch - son (1892 - died during the war in 1915), 4) Skobyolkin Ivan Aleksandrovitch - son (5.08.1889 - 4.12.1965), 5) Kamenshchikova (Skobyolkina) Anna Aleksanrovna - daughter (31.07.1894 - 21.02.1952), 6) Skobyolkina Marfa Aleksanrovna - daughter (1897 - 15.07.1982), 7) Skobyolkin brothers Vassily and Ivan at the gate of his house, 8) Skobyolkina Matrona Aleksanrovna - daughter (1900 - 11.03.1983), 9) Skobyolkin Iosif Aleksandrovitch - son(1903 - died during the war in 1943), 10) Skobyolkina Vera Aleksanrovna - daughter, in marriage Shutova V.А. (25.09.1907 - 18.05.1988), 11) Skobyolkin Nikolay Aleksandrovitch - son (1912 - ?), 12) the photo of Skobyolkin's house in Strelnikovo village (Kostroma region). The photo of Skobyolkin Vassily Aleksandrovitch (son, 06.01.1898 — 09.03.1973) is lost, 13) The last inhabitants of the Skobyolkin's house in Strelnikovo village. Sisters Marfa and Matrona.

Extent: 12 sheets, hard cover.

Size and dimensions of original material: 21,5х29,8.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-71/19/1.