Garnev Collection, Notebook 1 of 1: "A few words, riddles, proverbs, sayings (in the local dialect) talks on a stivastarski [kind of a secret] language, collected and written by G.M.Garnev", Libyahovo...

This notebook contains altogether 43 pages, 32 of which are written, the other are empty; pages 22-30 are missing; material - paper, old and torn, partly stained; folk songs (different genres), proverbs, sayings from the villages Libyahovo, Gaytaninovo, Dramsko and Melnichko, collected by G.M.Garnev.

All the original materials are owned by the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of sciences, which is a successor of the former Ethnographic Institute with Museum at BAS.

File level: 32 written pages, 43 altogether with the missing pages (22-29); AEIM No45-II-1.