'Doctrina Christiana' in Tamil 'Kiricittiyani vanakkam' (1579)

1579. 'Doctrina Chrstam' in Tamil ' Kiricittiyani vanakkam'.

Additional information.

This is the photography of the lost (already in 1950) exemplar from the Sorbonne Library of the Doctrina Christam printed in Cochin in 1579 (of which the only exemplar now available is in the Bodleian).The photography was obtained in 1930 by G. Schurhammer and given in the 1940 to the Bishop of Tuticorin — see Schurhammer [and Cottrell] 1952, p. 160 last footnote, where it is stated that a microfilm of the same was deposited in the Harvard College Library: https://archive.org/details/sim_harvard-library-bulletin_spring-1952_6_2/page/160/mode/2up , and 1956, p. 6: http://memoria-africa.ua.pt/Library/ShowImage.aspx?q=/BIVG/BIVG-N073&p=10 . This exemplar of the book was described by Streit, Bibliotheca Missionum, vol. 4, 1928, p. 145, n° 536, and by Schurhammer in 1930 (in Katholische Missionen 58, p. 211-212 + Kerala Society Papers ser. 4, 1930, p. 217, cf. ser. 6, 1933, p. 304) — the pages 2-3 from the same exemplar are also reproduced in Schurhammer-Cottrell 1952, plate IIb, cf. ibid. p. 150, 159-160, and Schurhammer 1963 (Gesammelte Studien, vol. II) Tafel VII (= art. 1952) & p. 329-331 (= art. 1930).

It is unclear how from Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu the set of photographs came to the "Jaffna Bishop's House" in Sri Lanka.

Physical characteristics: 21 x 11.5 cm size.