
MTM, MTM 1: जन्मकृत्यविधि, Start: अथ जन्मकृत्यविधिर्लि = ख्यते ॥ (fol 3a, digital image 003); End: कृतान्तकुजयोर्वरं यस्य = जन्म दिने भवेत्॥  अणृक्षयोग सं = प्राप्ते विघ्नं तस्य पदे पदे ॥ (fol 2b, digital image 002); materials prescribed for people born on particular days in a week (fol 17b), Devanagari, Sanskrit; Multiple hands, deletions, some minor ink smudge, vertical writing and horizontal on only one folio (digital image 017), writings in the margins, much emended. Calendar: C 1940 (Vikram Samvat). Extent and format of original material: 33 folios. Physical characteristics: Thyāsaphū (folded book), Nepali handmade lokta paper, oil stains, Haritāla (A mixture of arsenic suphilde, Manaśilā and rice flour glue) smeared on recto and verso; 8cm x 20cm.