Hindoo Patriot

The File is an issue of the newspaper, The Hindoo Patriot spanning the months of July to December in the year 1905. Extent and format of original material: One bound volume with 280 folio. Physical characteristics: Both front and back covers are missing. The spine is loose. Pages are acidic, yellowed, brittle and moth-eaten. Foxing marks, reverse impressions and marks of fungal imfestation are visible. Text has been lost due to the extent of damage. There are marks of coloured pencils. Pages between October 4th and October 20th could not be photographed. Dimensions: 64 x 49 x 3. 3. Volume XLVII. Publisher: Printed and published by Priya Nath Dass, at The Hindoo Patriot Press, No 28, Wellington Street, Calcutta.