The Englishman

The File is a volume containing various copies of the newspaper The Englishman spanning the months of March to April of the year 1924. Extent and format of original material: One bound volume with 376 folio 1 leaf. Physical characteristics: Pages are severely damaged, moth-eaten, acidic, yellowed and extremely fragile. There are damp spots, marks of fungal infestation and exposure to moisture, spotsm foxing marks. The spine is broken. Pages are pasted. Text is lost due to hard binding. Dimensions (with cover): 59. 4 x 44. 4 x 4. 7; Dimensions (without cover): 58. 7 x 44. 4 x 3. 5. Volume CII. Editor: A. C. Wentworth Lewis Publisher: Printed and published by Geroge W. Bowron for the proprietors The Englishman Ltd. Head Office: 9, Hare street, Calcutta.