The Englishman

The File is a volume containing various copies of the newspaper The Englishman spanning the months of January to February of the year 1924. Extent and format of original material: One bound volume with 370 folio. Physical characteristics: Pages are extremely brittle, moth-eaten, dusty, acidic and dry. The spine is loose. Foxing marks, marks from fungus infestation and the item's exposure to moisture as well as ink and paint spots. Text is lost due to hard binding. The print is faded and difficult to read. Dimensions (with cover): 59. 5 x 44. 3 x 5; Dimensions (without cover): 58. 7 x 44 x 3. 8. Volume C. II. Reg. No. 79. Editor: A. C. Wentworth Lewis Publisher: Printed and published by Geroge W. Bowron for the proprietors The Englishman Ltd. Head Office: 9, Hare street, Calcutta.