The Permanent Settlement imperilled: or, Act X. of 1859 in its true colors by lover of justice

The File contains information about the Act X of 1859 in its true colours. Extent and format of original material: 1 booklet of 20 folio 1 leaf. Physical characteristics: Pages 1 to 2; 13 to a page whose pagination is lost due to damage. There damage is severe, resulting in significant data loss. Pages are discoloured, acidic and moth-eaten. Marks from foxing, brown patches and broke edges are visible. Some pages are loose. A second set of pagination is done in red ink at a later date. On page 30, a separate strip of paper with a footnote is pasted at the baseof the page. Dimensions: 23. 2 x 14. 8 x 0. 3. Editor: British Indian Association. Publisher: The "Englishman" Press, 2, Hare Street, Calcutta.