The Bengal Sanitary Drainage Bill II

The File contains information about the Bengal Sanitary Drainage Bill. It is the second volume. Extent and format of original material: 1 booklet of 64 folio. Physical characteristics: Pages 1 to 73; i to xivii. Pages are yellowed, damaged, acidic, brittle, moth-eaten and discoloured. Marks of fungus infestation, exposure to moisture and perforations are visible. Due to the binding, pages are askew. The spine could not be photographed sue to the extent of damage to the item. The hard bound front cover is missing. British Indian Association Library seal is present. Dimensions: 19. 9 x 12. 5 x 1 (with cover); 19. 1 x 12. 2 x 0. 5 (without cover). Editor: British Indian Association. Publisher: Not found.