Записки Наукового товариства імени Шевченка. Видавництво, присьвячене науці і письменьству україньско-руского народу / Впорядкував Олександер Барвіньский. – Львів, 1894. – Том III. – [2] + 232 с.; [то...

Title: Записки Наукового товариства імени Шевченка. Видавництво, присьвячене науці і письменьству україньско-руского народу / Впорядкував Олександер Барвіньский. – Львів, 1894. – Том III. – [2] + 232 с.; [том присвячено] "незабутній памяти воскресителя Галицької Руси Маркіяна Шашкевича з нагоди 50-літних роковин єго смерти і перенесення єго мoщий з Новосілок Ліских на кладовище личаківске у Львові".

Transliterated title: Zapysky Naukovoho tovarystva imeny Shevchenka. Vydavnytstvo, prys'vyachene nautsi i pys'men'stvu ukrayin'sko-ruskoho narodu / Vporyadkuvav Oleksander Barvin'skyy. – L'viv, 1894. – Tom 3. – [2] + 232 s.; [tom prysvyacheno] "nezabutniy pamyaty voskresytelya Halyts'koyi Rusy Markiyana Shashkevycha z nahody 50-litnykh rokovyn yeho smerty i perenesennya yeho moshchyi z Novosilok Liskykh na kladovyshche lychakivske u L'vovi".

Translated title: Memoirs (Notes) of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Journal is dedicated to the science and literature of the Ukrainian-Ruthenian people people / Comp. by Olexander Barvinsky. – L'viv, 1894. – Volume 3. – [2] + 232 pp.; [This volume is devoted to] "unforgettable memory of the awakener of Galician Ruthenians with occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death and transferring of his body from Novosily Liski do the Lychakiv cemetery in L'viv"...

The scientific journal contains research papers from the Ukrainian literature, language, history, mathematics, and physics, scientific chronicle and historical, archaeological and critical notes.

Custodial history: The library of the CSHA keeps the set of "The Memoirs (Notes) of the ShSS" (missing volumes are: 10, 125-127).

Extent and format of original material: Typewritten document with a cover, sewed together with a thread; paper size 22,2×14,5 cm.

Physical characteristics: The paper condition is satisfactory considering the age. Hard cover. Text printed on the both sides of the sheet; the text is typed using a typewriter. Current pagination.

Volume and issue number: Volume 3.

Owner(s) of original material: The Shevchenko Scientific Society in L'viv.

Publisher of original material: The Shevchenko Scientific Society in L'viv.

Additional language information: Ukrainian, German (title and contents), Latin, Polish.

Arrangement: The scientific journal "The Memoirs (Notes) of the ShSS" copied by the project are listed here in a chronological order.

Original institution reference: N003.