ईश्वर प्रत्यभिज्ञा विवृत्ति विमर्शिनी भाग १

The Iswar Pratyabhijna Karika of Shaivite Master Utpaldeva was commented in two different version small (Vritti ) and large( Vivritti ). These 2 Versions were inturn commented upon by Abhinava in Two Versions the Vimarshini which is this Present Text and Bigger Brahti Vimarshini. These 5 Texts consist the Main Corpus of the Pratyabhijna (Recognition) School. This Text is probaly the most important works of Sub Continental Mysticism The Main Thesis of the Recognition School is to prove the nature of Cognition as being self-luminous and absolutely unobjectifiable.

Owner(s) of original material: CSDS.